Daniel Scholz

M.Sc. Informatics

E-Mail: scholz@in.tum.de(link sends e-mail)


Daniel Scholz is a Ph.D. candidate co-supervised by Prof. Rückert (AI for Medicine) and PD Dr. Benedikt Wiestler (Neuroradiology). He received his bachelor's degree in Applied Computer Science from DHBW Mannheim and his master's degree in Informatics from TUM. Previous research projects dealt with 3d point cloud segmentation and image generation integrated with representation learning. Currently, he is researching 3d self-supervised representation learning with brain MRIs showing metastases and other tumors.


2022M.Sc. Informatics - Technical University of Munich
2019B.Sc. Applied Computer Science - DHBW Mannheim


  • self-supervised learning
  • representation learning
  • 3d image segmentation of brain MRIs